Final Episode – Homecoming
Homecoming. There’s really nothing quite like it. Particularly when you’ve worked so hard to get there. The simplicity of familiarity. Of Family. Of Belonging. A cultural connection to something bigger than one’s self. The moment I saw land, saw Australia, after sailing 4000Nm is one I’ll never forget. After 37 days at sea I had […]
Episode Six – Papua New Guinea
Land ahoy, vivid greens, “fish on” and entering the Coral Sea. The penultimate video in my journey home.
Episode Four – Relentless Squalls
Unforgiving squalls. Fatigue sets in. Disaster Strikes. The northern latitude monsoon takes its toll. Episode Four is now live (language warning).
Episode Three – Entering the Trades
Apologies its taken me a while to pull this one together. I’ve had a few issues with my ticker the past month and am still far from in good health. Guess the trip fairly took it out of me… Thankfully it’s creating plenty of time for reflection, processing and rest though.
Episode Two – Pacific Dreams
Now live:
Episode One – now live
For those who are interested in taking a look at some of the video from my trip, my first episode of crossing the South China Sea is now live: I’ll be editing the rest of the trip in the days and weeks ahead so feel free to subscribe to my new Youtube Channel if you […]